Tuesday 28 December 2010

NME Double page spread Analysis:


The title for this double page spread is "NME Loves The Teenagers" this means that the double page spread is all about their audience which is teenagers. NME may of done this because they want to show they understand the audience and what to get more involved with the targeted age group. The title is the biggest bit of writting on the page and put in the centre to attrect the audience more quickly.


The layout in my opinion is raged this is because teenagers give off the sterotype of being lazy. One big image of the left which is of the audience and where they hang out and the impression of being lazy is refelctive because the three teenagers are sloughed on the bed maybe watching TV. On the right the reader can see one artical and an other image of the audience and a quote from the teenagers to get the audience thinking about what they said. Then futher on the right is another artical about top bands/artiest that the targeted audience maybe into and images of the bands. Plus if you are an older reader and may not know much on teenagers there is a need to know section at the bottom of page left.


To most double page spreads they tend to have a colour scheme that refect the mood of the artical in this case blue, black and white because they could sybolise change or braking apart. The font is black and white and in simple clear font that still keeps the element of fun to keep the reader intrested. Also the coloures used are bright and bold to stand out from other pages in the magazine.

Why does this double page appeal to the audience?

It appeals to the audience because it is about the audience from the text to the colours, pictures to the font used. The artical has one big piture and a couple of small pictures of what the audience look like. This is to show that the magazine understand their target market.

IDJ Double page spread Analysis:


The Logo of the magazine is on the top left hand corner of the double page spread this reinforces the audience that this artical is part of the IDJ group and if the audience read on it tells you that the artiest was founded by IDJ.


On the first page we see the artiest (Tensnake) in his working enviroment to show the audience that his job is a DJ. Then on the second page the reader see Tensnake in a smart suit to show the audience that he is perfectional, stylish and morden. The text on this page reinforces this image because it talks about how Tensnake became known in the music market.


The layout of the page is in my opinion is simple my reason is that it is easy to read because the text is in coloums and a bigger font and change of colour for the sub headings. The page has two images of Tensnake one big and one mediam. One the first page one of the imagaes is placed at the bottom where the words seem to saround him which tells the audience that the words he uses are with him in everyday life. where as the second image is overtaking the page to suggest that he takes care in his apprenece and wants to make a good impression for the magazine and a good romodel for the audience.

The double page spread has its own colour scheme of orange, black and white, one reason why they might of used these colours is because its the artiest favorite or they refect his current mood or may mean something to him. This in turn makes it iconic to the artiest and his fans this could be because he uses the colours to promote himself. At the bottom of the second page we see a quotation from Tensnake which is in a slitly bigger font and the same colour as the title and sub headings so the reader noties it and can make their own opinion on the artiest and the way he views life.


Title of the double page is "Feline Groovy" this is because artiest and records naming themselfs after animales examples inclued Coma Cat, Zoological. The title attracts an audience who like animales as well as Tensnake's music, one of the ways it also attrects an audience is how it looks on the page its in bright orange and is in the biggest font on the two pages to draw the eye in and read the artical.

Why does this double page spread appel to the audience?

Tansnake is centrer of attection where he has two images of him looking good, also the artical talks about his life from childhood to present so the fans get to know him more. Plus its easy to read and easy to pick out parts that the reader is only intrested in.

Friday 17 December 2010

IDJ Content Analysis:

The Masthead:

The masthead is on the top left hand corner in big font and a bold colour (red) and underneath put the “Tenth Anniversary” this is because it wants the reader to know this issue is special because it has been going for ten years, and has special reviews that celebrate the ten years of the magazine.


The contents page has a range of images this could be because it draws in more visually orientated readers because those type of readers like to look at more pictures than read a long piece of text. Also lots of images sets the theme for the magazine for example the images on the contents page are of popular DJ’s and the equipment they use (turn table).

Contact Information:

Contact Information is there so if there are any problems with the magazine and the reader wants to complain the information is there. Also it is there to give additional information about the editor’s, publishers, printers, distributors and the adverting manager.

Regular Section:

The regular section is there so the reader can access the regular items with out spending a long period of time trying to find the right page.

Easy Infomation:

Different pictures with the different numbers are there to make the reader get to the articles where they can find out more about their favourite band. The magazine made it easy for the reader to read because it has split the pages up into categories such as features and gears.

IDJ Front Cover Analysis:


The magazine has chosen I DJ for their masthead. One reason they might of choose it because it gives it a personal view and a connection to the audience. It is the biggest text on the front cover, this is because the magazine wants to give a good impression and makes it eye catching to the reader.

The Central Dominate Image:

The central dominate image is of two men who look like DJ’s. They are wearing stylish clothes which makes them look trendy, also the colours of the clothes reflect the text around the front cover (Black, Orange and white). The two men are looking straight out at the reader to suggest they are confident in what they do. One of the men has their head tilted to the side to show personal contact with the reader, both men have a serious expression on their face to put forward how important and useful the magazine is to them. One man has is arms folded to imply that he is defensive and cautious about his surroundings. While the other man has his hands in his pocket to show he does not care what others think of him.

The Date Line:

The Date Line, Cover price and bar code are vital to any front cover because it gives the reader information on the price and when the issue came out.

The Strap Line:

The strap line for the magazine is “International DJ 100% Dance Music” this tells the reader that the magazine is aimed at DJ's all over the world and focuses on dance music. It appears on most of the covers of the magazine.

Cover Lines:

The Cover Line’s on the front cover explain what the issue is all about, in this case it’s the 10th anniversary of the magazine. Also information on what page to go to for the biggest artiest which is Duck Sauce. Plus information on who has won the latest award which is Tom Lord –Alge who is an award winning engineer.

Use of Language:

The Use of language on the front cover is very informal for example one of the cover lines uses rhymes “Grab the Grammy” also puns are used for example “ we buy our friends animals for a laugh!” this is to suggest a bit of humour is used throughout the magazine. The front cover attempts to abbreviate words such as favourite to faves to show the magazine has a friendly appeal.

Monday 13 December 2010

Day in The Life of the Reader For My MusicMagazine:

The Magazine is amied at 14- 20's, gender is male and female that like to go to live venues to see top artiests and bands or download there favorite music from sites (I Tunes). Some top people they could listen to are Eminem, Jay'z, Dub Step and Pendulum. The ideal reader has music as their passion and so could make their own music and share it online with popular sites such as You Tube or take it on as a career.

The reader likes to get into trouble in school and maybe with the police. They could live in a council estate and may get in with the wrong crowd which could result in drugs and crime. So the lyrics in the songs are related to this kind of live.

The audience mainly wear branded clothes such as Nike and Adidas maybe to fit in with the people around them. The reader likes fast cars and night clubs where they can get drunk and have a good time with friends.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Researching the Market: Analysis of Vibe

Front size and choice of colour:

The magazine has a colour scheme of red, black and white which makes it iconic to the audience. The articals and reviews seem to be in a simple and clear font so the reader can navigate around the magazine more easily. Like the other magazine the sub headings are in bright and bold colours to draw the reader into the page, and they are short and punchy to make the magazine sound more fast pace. These are all examples of typography and the reason on why they are used is so they can attract the readers eye more easily.

Mode of address:

The tone of the magazine is casual and infomal to make the reader seem he or she is talking to a mate. Genre specific names that the targeted audience would be familiar with such as "Rich Boy". Some risky phrases or words have been used such as " Beyonce strips down for summer"

The Content:

The magazine have several pages with photo spreads which display pictures of high-end designer clothing as well as sportwear. Vibe have a "Boomshots" column which features reggae and caribbean music, music reviews, artists profiles and Vibe Confidential which is a celebrity gossip column.


Vibe has a broder audience aged between 15 - 30. Vibe has 1.2 million readers nationally.


Vibe Magazine comes out quarterly, which means it has 12 issues per year. The circulation rate base is between 300,000 and 850,000. They sell in many places such as in -stores, trade advertising, at targeted regional promotions, college bookstore, at targeted supermarket checkout and at international promotions.

Vibe have over 260,000 subscripers by putting infomation in insert cards in the magazine which get approximately 15,000 new subscription orders, direct-mail campaigns which got 40,000 people subscriping, various gift promotions, via the internet which get an average of 5,000 orders and at various music events/festivals.


Quincy Jones launched Vibe in 1993

Publishing Company:

InterMedia Parners

Researching the Market: Analysis of DJ Magazine

DJ Magazine is an example of the kind of magazine I want to create and get some great ideas from. The reason for this is because of the kind of music they focus on and the target audience that the magazine is aimed at. Also the type of language they use to connect with the audience, for example the front cover above has the strapline “Get lost in mooosic!" this is a humorous way to draw the audience in and so I would like to do that with my magazine.

Front size and choice of colour:

The main font for this magazine is modern rounded font, which give the feel of the articles and reviews flow from page to page. The sub headings are in bright colours such as pink and red to catch the eye of the reader. Also in articles and reviews key artiest and bands are highlighted in bright colours to attract the reader in just at first glaze.

Mode of address:

The tone of the magazine is informal and so make the reader feel like a "mate" or part of a big community. The articles that are written give the impression the reader is a friend, they use words such as "wade in" to connect with the chosen audience.

The content:

The magazine has news on popular artist and bands and what is going on in the Hip Hop, DJ market, fashion mostly for men, Access All Areas which is a list of top clubs and venues, reviews and Tech which features DJ software and kit reviews, DJ tutor and a DJ shop where readers can purchase top DJ goods. Other articles they have are Auntie Agony and competitions.


DJ Magazine has a youthful audience aged 20- 27.


DJ Magazine started on January 31, 1991 and is on-going.


The frequency of the magazine is monthly and in the UK it sells 20,000 copies, internationally. The magazine sells 5,000 copies, subscribers 2,500 copies, in trade shows they sell 2,500 copies, in nightclubs and bars they sell another 2,500 copies. Which altogether is 32,500 copies in circulation.

Publishing Company:

Thrust Publishing Ltd

Down below is a link to a SAMPLE copy of the magazine:


(Download time 12 minutes)

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Mood Board for my Music Magazine

This is my mood board for my music magazine. It is focusing on things that my ideal reader has an interest in, for example they like bands such as The Prodigy and popular rap artiest Eminem. This will give me ideas of what to put into my magazine and how to associate them to the target audience. Overall this will help me build a better magazine for my chosen audience. Therefore it will be a stronger competitor in the music market, because I understand the target market.

Pre-Lim Task: Front Cover and a Contents Page for a school magazine

Above is where my Pre-Lim Task is, we were asked to create a front cover for a school magazine. My magazine is aimed at pupils aged between 11 to 18. The Masthead for my magazine is " St Andrews Skool" I chose this because it gives the magazine an imature feel and is more appealing to the target audience, because it breaks the rules of spelling. The strap line for my magazine is "Up Close and Personal" I choose this because it is believable and is easy to remember.

The cost for the magazine is 25p, this is because it is affordable to anyone that has spare change in their pocket. On the front cover are four images that refect the school, I have them in a mid shot and three of the images the people are looking at the camera to give the affect of them looking straight at the reader. The other image is of a teacher doing work at her desk this is to show the roles of staff and what they do in the school.

In the centre is the school logo and around it is a graffiti feel background where it refects the colours of the logo (Blue and Yellow), this makes it iconic to the reader because they recognise this logo.

The background of the front cover is lined paper this is to show the theme of the magazine.

Above is my Contents page for the Pri-Lim task that was set. The contents page is for the same issue of the school magazine. Same as the front cover the contents page has a colour scheme (Orange and green) this is to make it simple to the reader to navagate around the magazine.

I split the magazine into sections (years, staff, extra activates and games). So the reader can go to his/her favourt pages quickly. The years section is a two page spread out top news in that year group. The staff's section is about their lives in the school and how they feel about the school. The extra activities section is about some of the popular subjects in the school, for example spot and the news/gossip about sport at St Andrews. The last section is the games section, where the reader can get involved with the magazine as it has fun quizzes and compatitions.

The Logo is located at the top left so the reader knows that the magazine is a St Andrews one. Plus on the top right the masthead is also shown for the same reason. Just below the masthead in the biggest font on the page is the word contents so the reader can know that the page is the contents page, it is also in a bright colour to draw the reader in.

The pictures i have choosen reflect school life and identify the different sections within the magazine.

Introduction to Me:

Hi there and welcome to my blog this is were all of my Media AS coursework is put on. I go to St Andrews School where I am studying Media studies, Film studies, Drama, RE and CSLA. My Hobbies are drama and gymnastics.