Tuesday 28 December 2010

NME Double page spread Analysis:


The title for this double page spread is "NME Loves The Teenagers" this means that the double page spread is all about their audience which is teenagers. NME may of done this because they want to show they understand the audience and what to get more involved with the targeted age group. The title is the biggest bit of writting on the page and put in the centre to attrect the audience more quickly.


The layout in my opinion is raged this is because teenagers give off the sterotype of being lazy. One big image of the left which is of the audience and where they hang out and the impression of being lazy is refelctive because the three teenagers are sloughed on the bed maybe watching TV. On the right the reader can see one artical and an other image of the audience and a quote from the teenagers to get the audience thinking about what they said. Then futher on the right is another artical about top bands/artiest that the targeted audience maybe into and images of the bands. Plus if you are an older reader and may not know much on teenagers there is a need to know section at the bottom of page left.


To most double page spreads they tend to have a colour scheme that refect the mood of the artical in this case blue, black and white because they could sybolise change or braking apart. The font is black and white and in simple clear font that still keeps the element of fun to keep the reader intrested. Also the coloures used are bright and bold to stand out from other pages in the magazine.

Why does this double page appeal to the audience?

It appeals to the audience because it is about the audience from the text to the colours, pictures to the font used. The artical has one big piture and a couple of small pictures of what the audience look like. This is to show that the magazine understand their target market.

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