Tuesday 28 December 2010

IDJ Double page spread Analysis:


The Logo of the magazine is on the top left hand corner of the double page spread this reinforces the audience that this artical is part of the IDJ group and if the audience read on it tells you that the artiest was founded by IDJ.


On the first page we see the artiest (Tensnake) in his working enviroment to show the audience that his job is a DJ. Then on the second page the reader see Tensnake in a smart suit to show the audience that he is perfectional, stylish and morden. The text on this page reinforces this image because it talks about how Tensnake became known in the music market.


The layout of the page is in my opinion is simple my reason is that it is easy to read because the text is in coloums and a bigger font and change of colour for the sub headings. The page has two images of Tensnake one big and one mediam. One the first page one of the imagaes is placed at the bottom where the words seem to saround him which tells the audience that the words he uses are with him in everyday life. where as the second image is overtaking the page to suggest that he takes care in his apprenece and wants to make a good impression for the magazine and a good romodel for the audience.

The double page spread has its own colour scheme of orange, black and white, one reason why they might of used these colours is because its the artiest favorite or they refect his current mood or may mean something to him. This in turn makes it iconic to the artiest and his fans this could be because he uses the colours to promote himself. At the bottom of the second page we see a quotation from Tensnake which is in a slitly bigger font and the same colour as the title and sub headings so the reader noties it and can make their own opinion on the artiest and the way he views life.


Title of the double page is "Feline Groovy" this is because artiest and records naming themselfs after animales examples inclued Coma Cat, Zoological. The title attracts an audience who like animales as well as Tensnake's music, one of the ways it also attrects an audience is how it looks on the page its in bright orange and is in the biggest font on the two pages to draw the eye in and read the artical.

Why does this double page spread appel to the audience?

Tansnake is centrer of attection where he has two images of him looking good, also the artical talks about his life from childhood to present so the fans get to know him more. Plus its easy to read and easy to pick out parts that the reader is only intrested in.

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