Wednesday 1 December 2010

Pre-Lim Task: Front Cover and a Contents Page for a school magazine

Above is where my Pre-Lim Task is, we were asked to create a front cover for a school magazine. My magazine is aimed at pupils aged between 11 to 18. The Masthead for my magazine is " St Andrews Skool" I chose this because it gives the magazine an imature feel and is more appealing to the target audience, because it breaks the rules of spelling. The strap line for my magazine is "Up Close and Personal" I choose this because it is believable and is easy to remember.

The cost for the magazine is 25p, this is because it is affordable to anyone that has spare change in their pocket. On the front cover are four images that refect the school, I have them in a mid shot and three of the images the people are looking at the camera to give the affect of them looking straight at the reader. The other image is of a teacher doing work at her desk this is to show the roles of staff and what they do in the school.

In the centre is the school logo and around it is a graffiti feel background where it refects the colours of the logo (Blue and Yellow), this makes it iconic to the reader because they recognise this logo.

The background of the front cover is lined paper this is to show the theme of the magazine.

Above is my Contents page for the Pri-Lim task that was set. The contents page is for the same issue of the school magazine. Same as the front cover the contents page has a colour scheme (Orange and green) this is to make it simple to the reader to navagate around the magazine.

I split the magazine into sections (years, staff, extra activates and games). So the reader can go to his/her favourt pages quickly. The years section is a two page spread out top news in that year group. The staff's section is about their lives in the school and how they feel about the school. The extra activities section is about some of the popular subjects in the school, for example spot and the news/gossip about sport at St Andrews. The last section is the games section, where the reader can get involved with the magazine as it has fun quizzes and compatitions.

The Logo is located at the top left so the reader knows that the magazine is a St Andrews one. Plus on the top right the masthead is also shown for the same reason. Just below the masthead in the biggest font on the page is the word contents so the reader can know that the page is the contents page, it is also in a bright colour to draw the reader in.

The pictures i have choosen reflect school life and identify the different sections within the magazine.

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