Friday 17 December 2010

IDJ Front Cover Analysis:


The magazine has chosen I DJ for their masthead. One reason they might of choose it because it gives it a personal view and a connection to the audience. It is the biggest text on the front cover, this is because the magazine wants to give a good impression and makes it eye catching to the reader.

The Central Dominate Image:

The central dominate image is of two men who look like DJ’s. They are wearing stylish clothes which makes them look trendy, also the colours of the clothes reflect the text around the front cover (Black, Orange and white). The two men are looking straight out at the reader to suggest they are confident in what they do. One of the men has their head tilted to the side to show personal contact with the reader, both men have a serious expression on their face to put forward how important and useful the magazine is to them. One man has is arms folded to imply that he is defensive and cautious about his surroundings. While the other man has his hands in his pocket to show he does not care what others think of him.

The Date Line:

The Date Line, Cover price and bar code are vital to any front cover because it gives the reader information on the price and when the issue came out.

The Strap Line:

The strap line for the magazine is “International DJ 100% Dance Music” this tells the reader that the magazine is aimed at DJ's all over the world and focuses on dance music. It appears on most of the covers of the magazine.

Cover Lines:

The Cover Line’s on the front cover explain what the issue is all about, in this case it’s the 10th anniversary of the magazine. Also information on what page to go to for the biggest artiest which is Duck Sauce. Plus information on who has won the latest award which is Tom Lord –Alge who is an award winning engineer.

Use of Language:

The Use of language on the front cover is very informal for example one of the cover lines uses rhymes “Grab the Grammy” also puns are used for example “ we buy our friends animals for a laugh!” this is to suggest a bit of humour is used throughout the magazine. The front cover attempts to abbreviate words such as favourite to faves to show the magazine has a friendly appeal.

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