Tuesday 4 January 2011

Drummer Content Analysis:

The Masthead:

The masthead is on the top left hand corner in big font and bold colours to draw the audience in. They also put in "DRUMMER" in big bold black writing to suggest that this issue of the magazine is more amied at drummers. The colours used reflect the overall look of the magazine. Plus at the top of the word contents is the date of the issue (01/07) so the audience doesn't get confused on the date of the issue.


The contents page has a varity of images (mostly people on the drums to set the theme for the magazine) to attrect the audience into that type of band/artist. Also people are more visually orientated so they would rather look at images than reading text. The reader can see one inlarged image and smaller ones around it so show that that band/artiest are the main focus of this issue. the coloures od the images reflect the colour scheme of the magazine.

Contact Infomation:

Contact infomation is there so if there are any problems withe the magazine then the infomation is there. Also it gives additional infomation about the editor's, publishers, distributors and the advertising manager.

Regular Section:

The regular section is there so the reader can access the regular items with out spending a long period of time trying to find the right page.

Easy Infomation:

Different images with different numbers are there so the reader can go straight to the artical they what. Also it makes the layout of the contents page more presentable for example they put pages in categories such as features and gears. In addition the magazine has put in puffs to draw in the audience they use words such as "Exclusive", this makes the magazine better than others on the market because they have exclusive news on featured bands and artiests.

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