Saturday 5 March 2011

Drafts for my front cover:

This is the plan for my front cover. As you can see the layout is spaced out to not make the reader confused and give up reading the magazine. At the top right hand corner there is a box "Logo" the reason why it has a question mark is because I am not sure if I want to put in my logo because I am afraid it will look too clustered.
This is the 1st draft of my magazine. As you can see there is the central dominate image, which overtakes the page. This is because it tells the reader that this is the main person they will focus on in this issue. I also put in the masthead "Studio 5" to tell the reader what magazine it is. The background is white with four large brown strips to make the front cover less boring and not lose the interest of the reader.
This is the 2nd draft of my magazine. This time I have put on cover lines which are located on the left of the page. This is to tell the audience some of the issues or articles that feature in this issue. Plus at the top right the reader can see a number "127" this is the issue number and I plan to put in the mouth when the issue came out. Also there is a larger cover line about the main artiest in the magazine " Mr.A The Legend of Technology". this is to tell the reader a short line of what the artiest is about and if you are already a fan then the reader will be more likely to buy this issue.

This is my 3rd draft of my magazine. As you can see I have put in a barcode with a price located above. A strap line has been created "Create*Experience*Share". I chose these words because the reader can create his/hers own music, experience other peoples music, share their music online via sites like You Tube, Myspace and Facebook.

There is also a spalted paint effect used to make the magazine seem as if it is free and can let go of rules from time to time.

Feedback for my front cover:
The overall presentation of my front cover was great but font size of masthead and cover lines need to be bigger. Plus " Mr.A The Legend of technology needed to be increased in size. Also the central dominate image needed to be put higher as there were areas of dead space which needed to be field up. I also needed something put on the top right hand corner because there nothing there. Down below is the new and improved version of my front cover.

As you can see I have added a logo on the top right hand corner to get rid off the dead space. The logo will feature in most of my pages of the magazine. The central dominate image has been moved up, this is to make it fell up the page. The font on the masthead, strap-line and the headings of the cover lines have been increased to make the page more busy and attract the readers attention. Also the main heading of the page has been increased to make the reader aware that Mr.A is the main focused of this issue.

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