Saturday 26 March 2011

Drafts for my DPS page 2:

This is the plan for my second page of the DPS. As you can see its more craped with writing. this is because its the artiest time to shine on paper and tell fans a little about his life.
This is the first draft of my second page. As you can see it only has one coloume of writing. I have kept the colours simple (black and green). I used the green to refect the colours on the first page. which keeps things simple. The writing is in a size readable yet I can fit more on the page.
This is the second draft of my second page. As you can see I have added another coloume of writing but the middel has a big quote form the aritest. The raeson why I done this is to not make the page overflow on writing because my target audience like pictures and this would loose the attection of the audience. I used red because it is bold and make the reader read that first.

This is the third draft of my second page. As you can see I have added another smaller coloume to sum up the writing. Also a page number has been put in to make the rader flow from one page to the next. An image of the artiest has been but in to brake up the writing and give the page a bit of colour. I used the splattered paint effect to give the page a sense of freedom and make the page lively. The word Interviews is located on the top right of the page. This is because the magazine will be in order of the headins on the contents page. So this artical is on the interviews section of the magazine.

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