Thursday, 27 January 2011

Analysis a female lifestyle magazine contents page:Prima

The Masthead:

The Masthead for this contnets page has the same colour scheme as the front cover and throughout the magazine. This is because it is a female orrentated magazine and so bright colours with draw the reader in. The masthead is located at the top left hand corner and is the biggest font on the page to make clear the the audience that this is the contents page, but the title does not have the word contents but instead "October Prima 2009" this is because Prima is a mouthly magazine and has the mouth of the magazine inside as well as out to insure the reader that this issue is the October one.


All the images on the contents page are on one side and so suggest that the reader is simple and does not need to be cluttered with images or phrases. The images shown are what women are intrested in from clothes to baking these pictures would draw the target reader in. the colour of the text relecfts the colour of the images and make the page more inviting.

Regular Section:

The sections are split up to tipical women lifestyle activites for example the first one is Fashion which is tips on clothes. Then beauty which is about makeup and so on till the reader gets to the end where it is Every Mouth which is pages, articals or reviews that appar in most issues.

Easy Infomation:

There are different size images and on the image are numbers that take the reader to that particular page in the magazine. As it is a womens magazine there has to be a personal touch to the magazine and on the contest page there is a check list for the reader to tick of as they go on their jorney flicking through the magazine. As this is a magazine mostly amied at mothers there are vouchers off tipical highstreet stores to intise the reader in and make them buy the magzine.


The colour scheme used is inviting and friendly use colours like (green, purple) this is because the magazine is amied at females and so the magzine is more personal and cozy for the reader.

Analysis a Male lifestyle Magazine Contents Page:FHM

The Masthead:

The Masthead for the contents is simlar to the one on the front cover this could be because the magazine does not want the audience to get confused. Its in bold black colour to make it seem simple. The masthead is cented in the top middel of the page and is the biggest font on the page. The masthead is placed sepratly to avoid the husle and bustle of the images scattered around the page.


The images chosen are mainly of male gender to reflect the mode and target audience for the magazine. For it to be more eye catching to the male audience there has to be reliving images of the oppiste sex (female). As you can see the central donimate image of a women, that the male audience would find attrective. Where as on the first page the audience see smaller pictures of male models. Also the images are different sizes depending in what is going to be the most popular pages in the issue.

Regular Section:

In the second page the audience see various sections for example Regulars which are articals or reviews that come up time and time again in the magazine. Then just below is the access section which is the exclusive pages for the magazine and make it different form other male orantated magazines. Fitler section is loctaed below and this is the famous ideals that the audience follow either in style, carrer or hobbie. Upgrade is at the bottom of the page and this section is the lifestyle of the target audience from shopping to cars this is probably the most popular part of the magazine.

Easy Infomation:

With this contents page the pictures are located at the sides of the page and arrows pointing to the page and underneath the number is a short sectence explaning what the page is talking about.


The colours used are simple (red, white and black) this could be because the colours are male donimate meaning power and streath an other qualities.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Drummer Content Analysis:

The Masthead:

The masthead is on the top left hand corner in big font and bold colours to draw the audience in. They also put in "DRUMMER" in big bold black writing to suggest that this issue of the magazine is more amied at drummers. The colours used reflect the overall look of the magazine. Plus at the top of the word contents is the date of the issue (01/07) so the audience doesn't get confused on the date of the issue.


The contents page has a varity of images (mostly people on the drums to set the theme for the magazine) to attrect the audience into that type of band/artist. Also people are more visually orientated so they would rather look at images than reading text. The reader can see one inlarged image and smaller ones around it so show that that band/artiest are the main focus of this issue. the coloures od the images reflect the colour scheme of the magazine.

Contact Infomation:

Contact infomation is there so if there are any problems withe the magazine then the infomation is there. Also it gives additional infomation about the editor's, publishers, distributors and the advertising manager.

Regular Section:

The regular section is there so the reader can access the regular items with out spending a long period of time trying to find the right page.

Easy Infomation:

Different images with different numbers are there so the reader can go straight to the artical they what. Also it makes the layout of the contents page more presentable for example they put pages in categories such as features and gears. In addition the magazine has put in puffs to draw in the audience they use words such as "Exclusive", this makes the magazine better than others on the market because they have exclusive news on featured bands and artiests.